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martedì 14 giugno 2011

Day 25

Last day in Amsterdam.  Wanted to get the most out of everything, so set my alarm for 7:15.   After only getting 6 hours a sleep for the past few nights, that didn't end up happening.  Woke back up around 9:00 and went downstairs for some much needed espresso.  Wandered into the buffet where I payed 17 Euro for the food yesterday--which is expensive but oddly the best meal I have had in all of Europe.

I noticed whoever usually mans the door and takes down your room number was actually in the back when I went to get coffee.  While I was getting some another couple walked in, and I saw the guy run to stop them and get their room number.  Realizing that I had already gotten this far without being noticed, I quietly sat down and grabbed as much food as I could.  The best meal I've had...two days in a row!  I patiently waited for my moment to exit, when the guy would go to the back.  Took my chance and got up, just in time for him to emerge and start making his way to the front.  Dang, caught in the moment where I couldn't turn back.  So I blended in(badly) with a blonde and red-head family and the guy looked at me carrying coffee and some pastries out.  I nodded at him and asked whether that was okay, to which he replied yes.  Getting closer to the door....and made it out!  Lowered my buffet cost to 8.50 Euros a day! 

I wouldn't usually do that, but the hotel was expensive enough and 17 Euro for any breakfast meal is plain robbery.  True, starved guests can't be choosers in this hotel.  But you can be smart.  Great start, onto the real part of the day!

Headed to our trusty tram that takes us to the middle of the square.  Passing the American hotel and cafe which had a pretty fountain outside.  Would have really loved to stay this close to our square but probably couldn't afford it.  I have already looked up airline prices for next weekend as well as a month from now, and they are nearly 1.5-2x the amount that I payed for mine.  Might have gotten lucky picking the weekend I did.  

Pretty bad panorama shot but this is the beginning of the square. Casey unknowingly sticking his head out in the bottom right of the pic.
And this is another small part of it to the left of the picture above.  Notice good 'ol Burger King hanging out in the picture.  Actually ate there twice, probably was the cheapest meal in all of Amsterdam.

Decided it was a such a nice day out that we would spend the last part of our trip walking around.  Above is a panorama shot of the musical theater to the left, Van Gogh museum, and finally in the distance the famous Rijksmuseum.  

A look back across from the other side of the preceding picture.  What your looking at is the concert hall for Amsterdam.  All these big things in one location...yet they are able to keep a huge public field right in the middle of it.  Won't find that many places.  I promise not Rome.

Still not very sure what the sculpture is in the middle of the water.  Looks like a duck in a hat?  Maybe I just don't get modern art.

Figured since we really have no place to hang out at and we were burning through cash this trip, going through the huge park would be nice---and free.

When I say this is a big park, it is huge.  It stretches nearly the whole city.  No cars or mopeds are allowed here, and you don't have to dodge bikes on the side of the road.  Seriously, the scariest part of Amsterdam is definitely if you don't realize that you are walking on a bike path.  They are not happy and do not stop.

There is a reason that these beautiful parks are not in Rome.  There would never be any room on the ground.  Rome doesn't have any grass, much less open areas.  But when you do find a little area with grass, lazy Italians are sleeping there for a few hours usually.  This park would be filled with people missing their jobs and sleeping.  I have never witnessed a city that is so lazy as Rome.  Breaks in the middle of their jobs, even if you are a bus driver with a bus full of people.  Even the beggars seem extra lazy in Rome. was nearing time for us to head to the airport. 

No action story here like coming back from Positano.  Everything worked perfectly on time and efficiently.  Left airport on time and arrived perfectly.  Walked through Rome airport waiting to encounter customs, until I realized I had just walked through it.  Damn it! Lazy Romans didn't even show up at customs to check my passport and give me a stamp.  Even Mexico gave me a stamp!!  Ughh.

Left airport and jumped on a train that rumbled to a train stop.  Walked to the closest tram stop where we waited around 30 minutes for a tram.  Now I am refusing to buy a bus ticket on the inferior public transportation in Rome.  Not after Amsterdam.  No problem, they don't seem to mind.  Walked our bags and rolling suitcase back to the apartments about 1.5 miles away.  Would be nice, but my bag seemed to get stuck on every cobblestone that was out of place on the walk back.  Why not make a smooth road to walk on or take care of the sidewalks here?  Ohh that would make too much sense.  

Walking back I realized how much I actually miss Amsterdam.  Rome and Amsterdam are completely different places.  Amsterdam was very much an information and production oriented place, and was extremely efficient in everything.  Rome is a historic city, not much going on besides people making a living running their own small businesses.  Amsterdam is super clean and cool weather.  Rome is hot and dirty.  True, my opinion would probably change come winter in Amsterdam, but you won't catch me there then.

So here it is: Amsterdam
Pros: Super clean. Efficient. Beautiful weather in the summer when sunny. Easy to get around. Abnormal amounts of daylight(5:30am-11:15pm).  Everyone speaks English.  Very modern city, customer service is pleasant at most places.  Very safe, never felt threatened or scared, even walking around at night.

Cons: Rains often supposedly and definitely need a coat when it gets cool at night. Dutch townspeople really don't like tourists if they live there and especially if you do not understand the way the city works.  What does worry me is that they might be smarter than us, unlike Italians or Mexicans.  Everything makes so much sense there it is scary that they have found a way to make everything work so efficiently.  It's like...why didn't we do that?

They know English and Dutch.  Unlike French, Italian, Spanish and English, Dutch is not a language based off Latin root words. Which means you really have no idea what they are saying when they talk among themselves other than hearing the occasional Americano.  I feel like Americans are a little exotic there, and probably get made fun of from their point of view.  No worries, despite being a little taller than average they aren't a threatening people at all.  

So trip over.  Loved Amsterdam.  Would have loved to have a week there.  Not as happy to be back in Rome as I thought I would be, but I am glad to see the warm Italian people.  They may not be as clean or as smart, but they are nicer.  Only one weekend left...things are starting to wrap up fast.  Thank you all for reading as always!  Remember, look on my facebook for extra pictures from the trip!

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