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lunedì 13 giugno 2011

Day 22

Really exciting day personally.  I am traveling alone to Amsterdam, Netherlands on Thursday and my friend buddy pal Casey will be joining me on Friday.  I was so excited when I woke up that I just packed and started walking towards the train station(50 minute walk).  Ended up giving up after around 35 minutes underneath the dirty looks I was getting and the increasing temperature.  Jumped on a bus(for free) and rode to the station.  Took the bullet train straight to the FCO Roman airport where I came in. Only 14 Euro for the train, but it would have been 45 Euro if i had taken a taxi.

Went through security, preparing myself by taking off my belt and shoes.  Noticed no one else around was doing the same.  Walked through the metal detector with no problems and turned around to watch my bag go through.  Watched the security person who is supposed to watch the monitor turn around and carry on a conversation with someone, completely ignoring my bag.  Realized as I was walking away I had a few lighters, as well as two full vanity bags of all my bath/shower goods that were certainly not allowed.  Oh one will EVER accuse Romans of working too hard.

Waited around watching TV until our flight got in, then boarded a relatively empty flight.  Got a whole row to myself while I prepared for takeoff.

Flying away from Rome, the flight attendants of Air Italia came around.  They asked if I would like wine or beer or another beverage.  Already having argued with a US Airways flight attendant over $8 small bottle of wine on my flight to Rome, I reluctantly asked the price.  "Free of course," the flight attendant replied.  Heck ya.

So THAT is why American airliners are sinking and everyone else in the world is doing fine.  Hmm.

Landed in AMS airport kinda rocky, very windy and our airplane was going back and forth from side to side.  Made it fine though and made my way straight to a train that took me almost straight to my hotel. Even the train surprised me.  If we weren't zipping by cars at around 100mph, I would have not noticed that we were moving.  The train had many gears, and was perfectly smooth accelerating and traveling at high speeds.

Had to walk through the World Trade Centers for Netherlands.  Straight out of the train into the WTC, pretty impressive.  Followed the directions perfect to my hotel.  Very modern and new hotel called CitizenM hotel.
Extremely cool place.  This is a view from my bed(HUGE BED!) looking at the shower and exit.  You have a remote in your room that controls the color of the lights, climate, music genre, TV and also opens/closes the blinds and shutters for the room.  Everything was wireless, including the key which would just be swiped near the door to get in.

Luck or fate? 47 always seems to show up in my life, thats my lucky number from back in the day when I played football.

Went down into town and realized if you do not understand the way the city works very quickly you are looked down upon by the locals.

I have been in alot of places that make me feel uncomfortable to be alone at, but Amsterdam was not one.  Obviously common sense determines what places are okay and not, and I almost did walk down the wrong road.  I was in a very popular square that night and walked the well lit streets nearby and down a few blocks.  Unknown to me, having missed the last tram at 12:30pm by almost an hour and a half, I looked down a few roads.  Seeing a group of people down one of the roads, I thought it would be okay to walk down.

As I walked down the road, I noticed that the people standing seemed to be women talking.   Quick word of reference, there is a red light district in Amsterdam and the world's oldest profession is legal there.  Nearing the group, I noticed that the women were very large, in fact taller than myself.  Taking a second glance, I realized that these were not women at all, very much men dressed in drag.  Umm, turning on the very spot, I ran back to where I came from.  Holy crap, what did I almost walk into??  Perfect craziness for first day experience.

Do not let this 2:30 AM experience negatively affect your view of the Netherlands or Amsterdam.   This is a very late night and a very concentrated street.  Well I want to have material for the next two days, so I will not explain too much of Amsterdam.  All I will say is I was and still am completely taken aback by Amsterdam.  It is not in any way what I expected.  I mean that in an amazingly positive way. Thank you all for reading! Stay tuned for more adventures!!

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