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lunedì 6 giugno 2011

Day 17

So we made it to the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  Positano.  It is on the other side of the mountain from Sorrento, on the Almafi coast.

Very quiet and peaceful town.  One that you could walk around by yourself and not have any worries.  Beggars and crime are words that are not even known here.  Ferraris, Porches and the English language are things  that they know here.  Sounds like my kind of town.

For our two nights in Positano we stayed at this excellent Hostel called Brikette. Great place, only $25 a night.  Everyone there spoke perfect English and had a gorgeous view like this.  The actual apartment we stayed at was across the street and was only finished about 20 minutes before we showed up yesterday---it's only downfall.  This means the wi-fi didnt reach over there, among other things.  The water pressure was so bad in our bathroom for that apartment that if you turned the shower wand upside down, water wouldn't come out.  I've seen leaks with more water pressure than that.

Because there was no A/C, we had to keep our windows open during the night time--which was fine.  The downfall to that was the location of the window.  The window was right next to a very tight, uphill blind curve.  This means at about 6:30 AM buses would blare their horn coming one way to alert other motorists, and then slam on the gas when going up the opposite direction.  That got old pretty fast.

But all of that combined couldn't change my love for this place one bit.  I would rate the staff a 20 out of 10, they were just excellent.  Even got pancakes and eggs for breakfast in the morning, haven't had that in several weeks.  Plus, showers over there had plenty of water pressure.  Enough with the Hostel!

The first day we went to the beach, naturally.  Spent almost all of the day there and had a great time.  The water was a little cool, but completely swimmable.  Time to go do what I really came for...

A little bit of rock jumping.  Yes that is me doing a backflip off the rock there.  Apparently my specialty, because no one else could do one.  I can thank the time I spent on my cousin's trampoline a few years ago and sadly watching professional wrestling as a kid for teaching me that.  Oh well, good action shot though.

I had a blast going down to the beach.  Town as just as fun.  One thing to note, you may notice in the pictures in the town that the water looks really far away.  Well it is.  I consider the 17 steps walking upstairs in my house to be tiring.  Its 627 steps down to the beach and around 427 down to the town.  Being that it isn't all my money I am spending, I cannot justify spending money on a cab.  So what does that mean?  It means that I walked those stairs several times a day, including whenever you had to withdraw money from an ATM to pay for anything.  Being that the exchange rate is so high for Dollars/Euros(Around $1.45 for 1 Euro), I hate pulling out large amounts of money.  Which means I had to travel all the way down there for any activity we planned.  I already feel like my belly is getting a little bigger from all the food here, but man are my legs going to be HUGE when I get back.  At least we burn off some of that laboring up and down those stairs.

Night life is also cool here, although the one club cost around $35(for guys) to get into and drinks cost around $14.  No thank you.  Plus, if you don't have a sweater wrapped around your neck, your pretty much violating the clubs dress code.  Maybe a little bit too much like HHI...

Anyways, other than that everything was priced very normal as there are no chain stores.  Everyone that has a shop operates it themselves, much like my parents.  Really, really believe this is the most beautiful place in the world, and I swore to myself I will be back in my lifetime.  There is no getting around a promise like that.

I could put 1000 pictures up of Positano, but I feel like it would be of the pretty view.  Go on Facebook for extra pictures!  Thank you all for reading!

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