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venerdì 27 maggio 2011

Day 8

Technically, it's the first week anniversary of being here since I left Wednesday but didn't actually arrive until a Thursday.  Great first week, but today was kind of a rough morning here.  Woke up with water in my ear, which can definitely turn into a bad earache if untreated.  My internet had decided to quit working on my laptop, even though my iPad and everyone else's laptops were working just fine.  Also found out that one of the CNBC hosts whom I had watched 2 hours everyday for the last three years died unexpectedly.  

One bright spot was supposed to be that I was to receive my $500 scholarship from JCU.  Come to find out, the $500 scholarship was pro-rated for 2 classes, and I am only taking 1--leading to $250.  This would still be welcome, however I was informed that I had not yet been charged for a single room here, and that that cost was $300 for the month.  So not only did I not receive any money, I actually owe them money.

Other than the rough patches, was a relatively good day.  Found out that I am very much out of shape when I went to run next to the Tevere(Tiber) river.  Very pretty though, some large fish, birds, and even a beaver call that place their home.

Had a light dinner and went out with some friends for a little bit.  Tried some Tiramisu, delicious! Had fun at night, and enjoying my 1 week anniversary here very much.

Still loving every part of Rome, although I could never live permanently here. Just because of how out of touch with America it is here, which is both good and bad.  Thanks all for reading!

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